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Published on 15 April 2024


Agroecology is a legitimate vision to foster the needed transformation of food systems. Read about the SDC's approach, recommended key resources, projects and more.

7 June 2024

Boosting biodiversity and strengthening national plans through agroecology

«Through agroecology, we can link biodiversity conservation and restoration to people and ensure we achieve the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework’s (KMGBF) targets by working hand-in-hand with local communities.» This inspiring message emerged from the peer-to-peer exchange «Boosting National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans (NBSAPs) through Agroecology» held on 9-10 May in Kenya with 25 NBSAP focal points, food system and agroecology focal points and CSO representatives from Colombia, Cambodia, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda and Zimbabwe.

7 June 2024

Day of agroecology at IITA, South Kivu

The one-day conference «Day of Agroecology» was held on 7 May at IITA Kalambo/South Kivu, DRC among 5 universities and three joint Swiss-DRC projects (SNSF DELIBERATE, SDC RUNRES, and EU project CANALLS) with over 100 participants. Million Belay from AFSA (Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa) held a keynote entitled «Why social movements are necessary for agroecological transitions». The event was opened by ETH Zürich Professor Johan Six and SNSF Eccellenza Assistant Professor Johanna Jacobi.

7 June 2024

New brief on latest agroecology policy developments in Africa

Agroecology offers multiple benefits for a transition to sustainable agri-food systems. But how can we bring agroecology to scale at country-level? National Agroecology Strategies, have the potential to harness opportunities of upscaling agroecological production practices, developing markets, value chains and consumer demand that can accelerate transition.

Contact - Agroecology

Stéphanie Piers de Raveschoot
SDC Food Systems Section